Wednesday, 29 February 2012


African fashion retail company Couture Afrique has been running operations silently over the last 2 month. A subsidiary of Concept 360 Ltd, Couture Afrique was incorporated in early 2011 as a fashion oriented company retailing African fashion apparel worldwide. With their international distribution agents and partnership with logistics company TNT, Couture Afrique seeks to make the fashion accessories they retail within the reach of Africans all over the world. Our sources tell us they have one major store and head office in North Carolina and plan to open 5 more across the states with one in the London and 3 branches in Accra the main areas being at the Kotoka Int Airport, Airport Shell, Osu & Dzorwulu. Speaking to the Chief Operations Officer in North Carolina Roland Ohene-Amoako, he refused to confirm our the details about the stores but had this to say;
“Yes we’ve started operations and like you’ve said it’s on a silent note, no we haven’t launched yet but that doesn’t stop us from commencing business. We’re just waiting for a few things to put in place, like the website, the stores etc then you’ll hear of an official launch date. We’ve begun our worldwide retailing services with ADAKA, ALIKOTO, HTW, TONIA and the GH Gear Snapbacks. For now all our social networking sites are active as well as our customer service lines so the public can check out what we have on those pages and make their orders. And yes we’ll deliver wherever it is that you are. Business is good so far but you guys should look forward to a lot more coming from our Creative team. Join our face book and twitter pages for all the updates.
We went ahead to check out their pages and their pretty impressive. We’re looking forward to that ‘Grand’ Launch and trust that we’ll keep you informed. For now though you can follow them on twitter @coutureafrique & on facebook Couture Afrique.

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